Saturday, January 19, 2013

Action Research 1/19/13

What is Action Research? Action research is a research that is intended to change something on your campus or district as a whole.  It brings about change.  I happen to think that it is a more whole versus self approach.  Rather than just change something about yourself to better the district/campus you work on, it is an approach that changes your campus/district for the better.

I will use this research as a tool, a tool to create solutions and to modify solutions to solve problems on my campus.  You can use this in a variety of ways.  It could be as simple as a classroom problem that applies to inclusion, or it can be as complex as a problem of iPad's being purchased for the districts students and if they are being utilized effectively.  I am going to use action research to do two things on my campus.  I am going to look at the technology on our campus and research whether or not it is being effectively used.  As this research continues I am hoping to see if there are better ways to utilize our technology.  The other way that I will use action research is to change some things about the way communication is utilized on our district.  I think it will not only help the district, but also myself.  It will help me to become more time efficient on my communication.

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